
Dr Diwan Ashish


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  1. Diwan A.D. Role of nitric oxide in fracture healing. PhD (UNSW) 2000.

  2. Diwan A.D. Upper femoral radiography and its correlation with some physicochemical properties of bone - a study in senile osteoporosis. Submitted as Part I for the award of Master of Surgery, University of Jabalpur, 1988, pp 1-264.


  1. Diwan A.D. Graham's Orthopaedics a Question and Answer Guide for Undergraduates. Melbourne: Butterworths 2001.

Chapters in Book

  1. Diwan A.D., Parvataneni H.K., Khan, S.N., Sandhu H., Cammisa F.P. Revision surgery for failed lumbar spine surgery for degeneration. In "The Failed Back" Editor Scott Boden. Lippincott.


  1. Lane J.M., Khan S.N., Diwan A.D.: Osteoporosis: Current clinical trends. Clinical Geriatrics July 2000 8(8), 27-39.
  2. Namkung-Matthai H., Diwan A., Mason R.S., Diamond T.: Nitric oxide regulates alkaline phophatase activity in rat fracture callus explant cultures. Redox Reports 2000 5(2-3) 126-127.
  3. Khan, S.N., Hidaka C., Sandhu H., Girardi F., Cammisa F.P., Diwan A.D. Gene therapy for spinal fusion. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. July 2000 31(3), 473-484.
  4. Diwan A.D., Parvataneni H.K., Khan, S.N., Sandhu H., Girardi F., Cammisa F.P. Current concepts in intervertebral disc restoration. Orthopaedic Clinics of North America. July 2000 31(3), 453-464.
  5. Diwan, A.D., Wang M.X., Jang D., Zhu, W., Murrell G.A.C. Nitric oxide modulates fracture healing. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2000, 15(2), 342-351.
  6. Sandhu H.S., Toth J., Diwan, A.D, Seim H., Kanim L.E.A., Kabo J., Turner S. Histological evaluation of the efficacy of rhBMP2 when compared to autograft bone in sheep spinal interbody fusion using titanium cage. (MS#00457 accepted - Spine).
  7. Matthai H N, Appleyard R, Jenson J, Lin J H, Maastricht S, Swain M, Mason R, Murrell G, Diwan A D, Diamond T: Osteoporosis influences the early period of fracture healing in a rat osteoporotic model. Bone Volume 28 (1) January 2001.
  8. Lin J.H., Wang M.X., Zhu W., Diwan A.D., Murrell G.A.C.: Temporal expression of nitric oxide synthase isoforms in rat tendon healing. Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
  9. Summersell P, Turnbull A Long G, Diwan A D; Multifactorial analysis of causes for rise in postoperative temperature in-patients following total hip replacement. A retrospective study. (Accepted Journal of Arthroplasty).
  10. Zhu W., Lin J.H., Murrell G.A.C., Diwan A.D., : March 2001. Nitric oxide isoforms during fracture healing.Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 16(3) 535-540.
  11. Diamond T, Diwan A.D. Osteoportic fracture healing. APLAR J of Rheumatology 1999, 2(3), 254-259.
  12. Clarke R, Kovacic A, Fang Z M, Yip, M.Y., Wells, D., Monaco, A., Diwan, A. The SGM1 gene and genetic heterogeneity in Klippel-Feil syndrome. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (Br) 1998;80-B S1:112.
  13. Diwan A D, Yi D H, Wang M, Jang D, Smythe G, Murrell G A C. Serum nitrate in fracture repair. Nitric Oxide Biology and Chemistry (Arch of Biochem and Biophysics, part B) 2(2) 1998:134.
  14. Clarke, R., Catalan G., Diwan A.D. and Kearsley, J . "Heterogeneity in Klippel Feil syndrome - A new Classification" - Paediatric Radiology 28 1998 967-974.
  15. Diwan, A.D., Diamond, T., Clarke, R., Patel, M., Murrell, G.A.C. and Sekel, R. "Familial slipped capital femoral epiphysis - management of a family" Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 68, 1998 647-649.
  16. Diwan, A.D, Drummond, R.D. Unusual cause of third body wear in total hip replacement - a case report. Journal of Arthroplasty. 12(5) 1997, 586-588.
  17. Sancheti, K.H., Gandhi, M.A., Diwan, A.D. Panarticular adhesiolysis of stiff elbow joint by a single posterior incision. Indian Journal of Orthopaedics 28(1) 1994, 52-55.
  18. Natrajan, A., Kotwal, P.P., Diwan, A.D., Dave, P.K. Treatment of tibial fractures by pulsed electromagnetic field technique. Journal of the Western Pacific Orthopaedic Association, 28(1) 1991
  19. Siddiqui, H.D., Raza, H.K.T., Diwan, A.D. Results of surgery for fractures of the lateral humeral condyle in children. Clinical Orthopaedics India, 3(3) 1989, 10-15.
  20. Diwan, A.D., Raza, H.K.T. and Siddiqui, H.D. A study of congenital limb deficiencies in Seoni and Jabalpur. Journal of Madhya Pradesh Chapter of Indian Orthopaedic Association, 3(1) 1988, 1-5.